Animal diseases, risks, and preventive measures panel

 The second panel of the “Technical assistance to improve the implementation of food safety standards and disease crisis preparedness” project funded by the EU Aid Programme for the Turkish Cypriot community was held in Nicosia on 22 December 2022. The panel aimed to raise the general public awareness on cattle disease risks, emergencies, and particularly on prevention and to improve passive surveillance.

The panel, where many participants showed interest, focused on the following topics: animal health law in the EU, surveillance basics, biosecurity principles, cattle diseases emergencies, risks, and prevention, preparedness for cattle diseases crisis.

The project experts gave information to the general public about food safety standards and disease crises. Materials containing information on food safety were also distributed. During the event, the project experts also had the opportunity to conduct a survey on the public perception of food safety.

Thank you for your interest in our panel. Follow us for more information about training sessions and other activities of our project.

EU Food Safety Project

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