Categorisation of commercial dairy, meat, establishments. Register of approved food establishments.

The EU Food Safety Project experts together with the local body in charge for ‘veterinary services’ (further in the text Categorisation team (CT)) started the implementation of the action plan for the categorisation of commercial dairy establishments.

Within the scope of the EU funded activity, the CT visited two FBOs on 12 and 13 April 2023 to assess the compliance against general and specific hygiene requirements for upgrading purpose.

For an objective assessment of the FBOs, the CT used a ranking scheme and a checklist that have been adapted for the categorisation process.

During the process of assessment and ranking, the establishments will be classified in one of the following categories:

Category 1: in compliance with hygiene requirements;

Category 2: detected minor non-compliances can be solved within a short period (up to 6 months);

Category 3: detected significant non-compliances or non-compliances that can be solved within a longer period;

Category 4: detected major non-compliances - the establishment should not place the products on the market - should be closed because it is not in compliance with local legal texts, presents significant risks for health, and unable to reach hygiene standards.

The FBOs will be re-visited after a given period for a follow-up of the evolution and implementation of the establishments’ tailored action plans, to improve the overall food safety conditions and requirements.

Depending on the implementation of the given recommendations, the FBOs are expected to be ‘approved’ by the local body in charge for `veterinary services’ and become part of the establishments under Category 1.

EU Food Safety Project

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