New Guidelines Published

3 Guidelines are newly published:

  • Hygiene and own checks for butcher shops;
  • Good hygiene practice and good manufacturing practice, and application of the HACCP system in slaughterhouses and cutting/meat processing plants for beef, sheep, goats, and poultry meat, and on the Implementation of horizontal food safety and
  • Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) requirements for the PDO Halloumi/Hellim production chain
Two of the Guidelines intended for the meat industry aim to improve the hygiene standards by providing clear instructions on the layout of the premises, production, and handling of the meat products focusing on relevant Prerequisite Programmes (PRPs) for different parts of the production of meat and application of the HACCP system.

The PDO Halloumi/Hellim Guideline covers the definitions of PDO, PDO stakeholders, and production process, feed production, milk production, milk collection and transport, and milk processing. The Guideline is harmonized with the current progress of PDO Halloumi/Hellim.

You can visit our website for further information about the guidelines:

EU Food Safety Project

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