Сonsultation meeting

Сonsultation Meeting on the Preparation of the Integrated Multiannual Control Plan Held

Thursday, 25 August 2022: The Food Safety Project organized a consultation meeting for representatives of the “veterinary department” and “animal husbandry department” concerning the preparation of the Integrated Multiannual Control Plan (MACP). 

The MACP is an important document for local bodies, internal market stakeholders, and external partners. It provides a comprehensive framework for all control measures related to food, feed, animal health, and animal welfare exercised at the central and regional/local levels. The MACP serves as the basis for preparing the annual plans for official controls.

The consultation meeting focused on the EU legislative basis and key requirements for the MACP, as well as on the international experience in this regard. The MACP development and approval stages were discussed, including the draft MACP structure, the content of the MACP chapters falling under “veterinary department” and “animal husbandry department” responsibility, and also the action plan for preparation and approval of the MACP chapters.

The next step will be to prepare the relevant MACP chapters according to the approved MACP structure, involving representatives of the local bodies.

EU Food Safety Project

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