Training on European Union legislation

Trainings supporting the practices of the “TCc Food Safety Project” continue

The "TCc Food Safety Project" supported by the European Union, carried out within the scope of "Technical assistance to improve the implementation of food safety standards and preparedness for disease crises", training will be given to beneficiaries on animal diseases and EU legislation on preparedness for crises. 

During the training to be held in Nicosia on Tuesday, June 21, the new EU Regulation on registration and approval of enterprises, traceability and animal movements, and antimicrobial resistance will be conveyed to the participants. Training for central and local, animal and public health inspection 'services' staff and producers will be delivered by the Project's Senior non-key expert, Blagojcho Tabakovski.

You can send an e-mail to or to register for the training, which has a limited number of places and will be given a certificate.

To apply online please visit our Training Calendar.

EU Food Safety Project

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