Component I - Food safety

Planned results for this task group are: 

Result 1 Turkish Cypriot farmers, food business operators, and consumers are widely informed about EU food hygiene and food safety standards. Trained individuals to understand the added value of hygiene and other risk reduction measures along the food chain. Trained staff in food establishments are capable to ensure that the food they produce complies with the relevant microbiological criteria.

Result 2 Local administrative bodies are adequately organized. They, together with food and milk laboratories and chambers in the food sector, others as relevant, provide food business operators with adequate advice, service, or support, complementing businesses’ efforts in the implementation of EU-aligned food hygiene and food safety standards and principles.

Result 3 Local administrative bodies are capable to monitor and verify, through the organization of ‘official’ controls according to EU standards, that those relevant requirements on food, feed, and animal health are effectively complied with and enforced. Controls along the food chain are streamlined, planned, implemented according to the documented procedures and at a frequency proportionate to the risk, and effective. Staff performing ‘official’ controls and other ‘official’ activities is capable of implementing ‘official’ controls thoroughly, and consistently, with adequate quality and effectiveness. Staff performing ‘official’ controls and other ‘official’ activities, has available and uses written instructions on implementation of controls. Local bodies generate structured reports/documents on results ‘official’ controls and other ‘official’ activities and communicate the results to food business operators.

Result 4 Control bodies are capable to assess the effectiveness of the operator's checks based on HACCP principles, according to documented procedure (checklists). The system is proposed to allow that compliance entitles operators to an important discount on their annual contribution to the cost of ‘official’ controls and reduced inspection / ‘official’ control frequency.

Result 5 Local administrative bodies are capable of carrying out qualitative risk assessment along the food chain to inform the planning of ‘official’ controls and overall crisis management plan/planning in the field of the safety of food and feed.

Result 6 Adequate and sustainable system of financing ‘official’ controls through fees or charges collected from operators is transparent and operational, linking the outcome of ‘official’ controls with ‘official’ control frequency and an annual operator’s contribution for fees and charges for ‘official’ controls.

Result 7 The system is in place (including requirements, implementation, controls and verifications procedures along with milk production, collection, transportation, processing, storage, delivery, etc.) - allowing for the channeling of milk from farms that fulfill hygiene and health requirements, to milk establishments which fulfill EU aligned structural, hygiene and other requirements applicable to such businesses (“milk channeling”); and functional.
Result 8 Dairy operators, which benefited from the project inputs, can effectively implement EU-aligned food hygiene and food safety standards along with their production practices. They can objectively guarantee the hygiene and safety of the milk products they produce.

Result 9 Commercial food business operators (their staff which benefited from the project inputs, as relevant) are capable of effectively mitigating food safety risks stemming from relevant pathogens, contaminants, or other hazards, along w their production processes.

Result 10 Dairy farmers, which benefited from the project inputs, are capable of effectively implementing disease prevention and hygiene requirements at primary production.

Result 11 Commercial dairy and meat establishments assessed and categorized against EU aligned requirements (as applicable), and included in the list of establishments established in the veterinary ‘department’.

Result 12 Food business operators are capable of proactively and effectively implementing their own checks based on HACCP & good hygiene practices/procedures along with their production processes.

Result 13 Traceability procedures in place in food establishments allow identification of at least an immediate supplier of a substance/product used, and the immediate subsequent recipient - i.e. have in place documented one step back-one step forward traceability.

Result 14 Commercial dairy processors can demonstrate full product traceability. 

Result 15 Food and feed laboratories capable of carrying out tests and analysis of food and feed (residues monitoring, microbiological testing in food and feed, other as relevant), in line with the EU aligned standards. The quality of laboratory work is assessed by participation in inter-laboratory comparative tests.

Result 16 Data structure and description of data management system for food and feed risk assessment and planning of risk-based ‘official’ controls have been drafted/proposed.

Result 17 Transparency on imprudent use of veterinary medicines increased; farmers and consumers were informed/sensitized about risks (of antimicrobial resistance, residues of contaminants, heavy metals, etc.) and risk mitigation measures.

Results 18 EU aligned annual residue monitoring programme in place, enabling planned sampling and testing according to the annual residue monitoring programme. Results of residue monitoring along the food chain are transparent, irregularities are followed-up to ensure correction and sanctions (in case of repeated non-compliance) are dissuasive.

Result 19 Training materials delivered by the project are made public/disseminated via an online platform on food safety. The online platform contributes to the continued education of farmers and food business operators on hygiene, prevention and mitigation of biological, chemical and environmental contamination along the food chain, etc.

Result 20 Information on the outcome of ‘official’ controls and other ‘official’ activities, is public.

EU Food Safety Project

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