The project’s 9th Steering Committee Meeting was held on Friday, 15 September 2023. The 5th Quarterly Report (19 May 2023-18 August 2023) was discussed with the stakeholders.
During the report period under Component 1 - Food Safety, 20 results were obtained. Under Component 2 - Disease Crisis Preparedness, 4 results were obtained. Under the Cross-Cutting Tasks, 24 results were obtained.
Between 19 May - 18 Aug/23, the following was achieved:
Under Component 1:
- Eighth (8) Tasks covering 13 sub-activities
- Training materials (under 2 activities)
- 4 training reports on capacity building for laboratory staff on residues methods, quality control and quality assurance (Activity 1.2.4)
- 6 acknowledgement reports
- Hands-on capacity building to FBOs staff regarding good hygiene practices and own checks based on HACCP principles
- Final version of the Foot-and-Mouth (FMD) programme
- Consultations and preparation for PDO certification (1 FBO and 4 farmers)
- 17 follow-up reports for PDO farms - 2nd pilot
- 7 evaluation reports for PDO farms - 3rd pilot
- Consultations and assistance for: input of data on Brucellosis into the Inter-sectorial platform on occurrence of zoonosis; implementation of the categorisation process in the dairy sector; Multiannual Control Plan and Annual control plan; 6 Technical reports
- 6 Monitoring reports
Under Component 2:
- 1 Task covered by 2 sub-activities: upgrade/strengthen capacities for management of the implementation of measures according to the Animal Diseases Contingency Plan (ADCP) and operational manuals
- Training materials for simulation exercises: management of the outbreak in the event of Foot-and-mouth Disease (FMD) in bovine animals and management of the outbreak in the event of Sheep Pox and Goat Pox (SPGP) outbreaks in caprine and ovine animals
- Final programme for Foot-and-mouth Disease (FMD)
- Under Cross-Cutting Tasks:
- Animal diseases risk assessment
- 2 Sub-activities
- Revision of the data related to the FMD situation in the northern part of Cyprus
- Revision and analysis of the recent data related to FMD based on the OIE questionnaire
Visibility and communication:
- Guidelines (16 planned in total): 13 printed and 3 are in progress.
- Leaflets (32 planned in total): 14 printed and 18 are in progress.
- Posters (38 planned in total): 9 printed and 29 are in progress.
Additionally, the topics - progress status of the general laboratory relocation, residues monitoring program and ongoing PDO process - were discussed.
For the upcoming report period (19 Aug - 18 Nov/23), 14 Activities are planned under Component 1, under Component 2 - 6 Activities and 4 Activities under Cross-cutting Tasks. There is 1 Horizontal Activity planned.
These 25 Activities encompass:
- Preparation of training materials for Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSE) consultation exercises and training materials and operational documents to test implementation/suitability of contingency plans and operational manuals
- Capacity building and monitoring
- Consultation exercises on the use of Veterinary Medicinal Products (VMP), Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) TSE, meat inspection
- Planning and implementation of good hygiene practices
- Farms certification
- Annual plan of ‘official’ controls and integrated multiannual control plan
- ‘official’ controls activities (documentation, implementation)
- Implementation of a “milk channeling system”
- Monitoring the use of the project outputs
- Foot-and-mouth Disease (FMD) risk assessment update
- Study visits
- Residues monitoring programme