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Training Calendar


EU regulation on listing of disease, early detection, notification disease of significance for TCc - Training 5

This is a training to enhance understanding and knowledge about policies and requirements on early detection, notification, and control of listed diseases.

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Sim ex No. 1 - Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) in small ruminants

This is a training, via simulation of FMD in small ruminants, to elaborate the new concept of the documentation for contingency preparedness, in particular the Contingency Plan (CP) and Operational Manual (OM) for FMD, SOP for notification, SOP for biosecurity when entering the farm, SOP for epi-investigation, SOP for sampling and SOP for killing of animals in event of FMD. Upgrade the skills for conducting of briefing and practical implementation of the developed SOPs.

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Early detection and notification, control, safe disposal of carcasses, funding, roles and responsibilities in event of emergencies

This is a training to enhance understanding and knowledge about policies and requirement on early detection, notification, control disease, financial implication and funding, disposal of ABP, roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders involved in emergencies.

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